The QEI Certification Exam is intended for individuals who meet the Experience Requirements as listed in ASME QEI-1 Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors and on NAESA's QEI application. Click here to download the Experience Requirements.

If you feel you meet the requirements, you may submit your QEI application to NAESA International. YOU MUST SUBMIT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION OF YOUR EDUCATION / EXPERIENCE TO DEMONSTRATE YOU MEET THE REQUIREMENTS.

To Get Started


First, download and print the Applicant's Handbook by clicking the link below.
Read through carefully.
You can find the QEI Application and other documents that need to be signed in the Appendix.



Fillable Applicant Handbook 


Choosing a Date and Location

Next, decide whether you'd like to take the exam in a suitable location and on a date of your choosing, or at one of the dates and locations we have scheduled on the Training Calendar.

Suitable exam locations include the office where you work, a library, community college, or testing center that provides proctoring services, or other locations as approved by NAESA International.

The fee for the Training Course and Certification Exam is $1295 and includes membership with a passing grade.

The fee for the Exam Only is $500 and includes membership with a passing grade

The retake fee for the Exam Only is $350. This does not include a membership with a passing grade.

Click here for information on the benefits of becoming a member.



If you choose the location of your own, you will need to designate 2 appropriate proctors. Suitable proctors cannot be direct supervisors or friends or family members and must be willing to sign an agreement stating they are responsible and able to perform the duties of a proctor. Please refer to the Proctoring Requirements.



If your application is approved and we've received your payment, your exam will be scheduled. If attending an exam scheduled by NAESA, do not make travel arrangements until it's confirmed by NAESA.



Please be sure to get the correct version of each codebook below. There could be changes from year to year that may affect your responses.

Codebooks Required for the QEI exam if taking after March 1, 2025

  • ASME A17.1 - 2022 / CSA B44-22 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (DO NOT BUY/BRING HANDBOOK- YOU WILL NEED THE CODEBOOK)
  • ASME A17.2 - 2023 Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks
  • ASME A17.3 - 2023 Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators
  • ASME A18.1 – 2020 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
    • ( only if you're from Canada) B355-2019 (R2024) Canadian Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
  • ASME QEI-1 -2018 Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors-
  • ANSI/ASSE A10.4 - 2016 Safety Requirements for personnel Hoists and Employee Elevators on Construction and Demolition Sites
    • (only if you're from Canada) CAN/CSA-Z 185:23 Safety Code for Personnel Hoists 
  • NFPA 70 - 2023  National Electrical Code/
    • (only if you're from Canada) CSA C22.1 2024 Canadian Electrical Code 
  • Elevator Industry Field Employees Safety Handbook  2020
  • ASME A17.6 - 2022- Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, And Governor Systems 



Below are some resources for purchasing required codebooks:

Elevator World:


If you have any questions that are not addressed in the Applicant  Handbook, please call our office at 360-292-4968.